And another thing.....

for an awesome accomplishment!!
Happy Surgiversary

Now I am gonna celebrate it in "Christian style"
Love you brotha.....
grace peace and love

Now about this heathen thang. I had to go look it up. For real!! i have never referred to anyone in my life as a heathen. I remember the old Red Foxx show, Aunt Esther used to call Fred a heathen and i laughed. (wasn't even a christian then) Looking at the following definitions i could find, :
not acknowledging the God of Christianity and Judaism and Islam
Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller, rustic")
is the blanket term given to describe religions and spiritual practices
of pre-Christian Europe, and by extension a term for polytheistic traditions
or folk religion worldwide seen from a Western or Christian viewpoint. ...
A person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion; a pagan;
An uncultured or uncivilized person; Self-designation of some adherents of
neo-paganism; Not adhering to an Abrahamic religion; pagan; Uncultured;
uncivilized; savage, philistine;
One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened
Christianity began as an urban religion; people in rural districts continued
to worship older gods. The Latin word for countrymen was paganus—whence,
of course, pagan; the Germanic tongues has a similar word, khaithanaz,
"dwelling in the heath" (wilderness)—whence "heathen."
Literally means "heath-dweller",
and refers to practitioners of the Norse pagan faith.
I don't believe this is how i would decribe you if asked. I don't really know you. We are people posting what we want the world to hear from us on a public forum. But I find you very witty. Humor is actually a sign of intelligence. Especially witty, sarcastic commentary. You can always get a laugh with obscenity even if its just an embarassed laugh. You have made some comments that were on point and i enjoyed them. Looking forward to future exchanges.
(boop boop boop...)
The ninja you're trying to reach is unavailable due to lack of taking care of his daggone responsibilities, preventing him from paying his cell phone bill, light bill, and even attention. In the future you may want to refrain from even hangin around this fool because "Broke Azzed-ness" is very contagious and quite unnecessary...
(boop boop boop.)
I gotcha, Sis Jo. Put a $5 in the plate for me this Sunday when you go. Thanks. When I become wealthy I'm gonna have you as a part of my posse/enterouge as my spiritual advisor.

Ms K you picked a hell of an angel.

MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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